Canon Law excerpts provided by the Association for the Rights of Catholics in the Church (ARCC)
1. All Catholics have the right to express publicly their dissent in regard to decisions made by Church authorities. (C.212:3, C.218)
2. All Catholics have the right to a voice in all decisions that affect them, including the choosing of their leaders. (C.212:3)
3. All Catholics have the right to follow their informed consciences in all matters. (C.748.1)
4. All Catholics have the right to engage in any activity which does not infringe on the rights of others, e.g., they have the right to freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of association. (C.212:2,3, C.215, C.223:1)
5. All Catholics have the right to have their leaders accountable to them. (C.492, C1287.2)
6. All Catholics have the right, while being mindful of Gospel norms, to follow whatever paths will enhance their life in Christ (i.e., their self-realization as unique human beings created by God). They also have the right to guidance that will foster authentic human living both on a personal level and in relation to their communities and the world. (C.213)
7. All Catholics, regardless of race, age, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, state-of-life or social position have the right to receive all the sacraments for which they are adequately prepared. (C.213, C.843:1)
The word “Catholic” is used for “Roman Catholic” and “Church” for “Roman Catholic Church” throughout.