Women's Ordination Conference

The uncompromising feminist voice for women’s ordination and gender equity in the Roman Catholic Church since 1975

Our collective vision is a Roman Catholic Church that affirms women’s gifts, responds by calling them to ministry and ordination, openly and actively supports women’s voices, and reflects the example of Jesus—welcoming all to the table.


YEP! WOC is in Rome for the Synod 

to ensure *our* voices are heard and hold the Vatican accountable to the inclusive, courageous vision of the synod laid forth from the beginning. 

See our campaignsMake a donation to support our witness


WOC is an NGO in Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council since 2019. 


The Wildflowers of the Grassroots is our network of committed and passionate advocates of ordination justice whose diverse gifts and efforts create a beautiful field in which our dreams of a renewed church can flourish.


The language we use to worship and celebrate God matters. This Lectionary project affirms and empowers Christians to model radical equality and inclusion. 


Meet our scholarship awardees and apply for this unique scholarship for women and nonbinary people discerning ordination.

Thank you for joining us for our 48th anniversary gala!

Synodality and the Fierce Urgency of Equality: 
the call for women’s ordination now

Catch up on all of the gala events and videos by checking out our gala hub. 

Visit our gala hubMake an anniversary gift to WOC
Gala speakers and guests

Our Synod Report 

We believe in the inclusive promise of the synodal process, and have actively encouraged our members to engage in authentic ways, both in their parishes and in our listening sessions. The integrity and impact of the synod will depend on the radical inclusion and welcome of often marginalized voices into courageous conversations, just like ours.

Read our synod report and summarySee our synod listening phase toolsThe Vatican included WOC on their websiteRead WOC Executive Director’s opinion piece in the National Catholic ReporterWomen’s Ordination and Synodality: A Conversation at Sacred Heart University

Why ordain women?

It is one of the most simple and yet profound questions we can answer as a movement. 

Watch the videoWomen’s Ordination 101

Join our online community
where all are included.
All are welcomed to participate. And where talking religion is always proper etiquette.

Five Synod Delegates from the Margins

The last time I tumbled the bin of Synod delegates, I got two cardinals. This time, five “non-bishops,” as the USCCB characterizes them, popped out. These delegates from the United States convince me that Pope Francis had a hand in picking them. They all have characteristics that suggest they are on the margins in one way or another…

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Opening the Door to Women’s Ordination

Sitting behind the cantor podium in a candlelit chapel adorned with poinsettia and pine, I was first struck by the power of a Roman Catholic woman preaching…her position on the raised platform at the center of this worshiping community gave her words a potency I had yet to hear from that pulpit–from a woman.

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