Create Photo Art with us this Women’s History Month through #ImagingChurch
As we mark the beginning of Women’s History Month, we invite you to join us in a collaborative, participatory art project: #ImagingChurch.
For the vast majority of our faith history, our images of what is holy, what is church, what is ministry have been created by men. As we celebrate the unsung and oft-hidden contributions of women this month, we ask you to help us create a broader, more vivid, more inclusive image of what church can be.
So – for the first week of Women’s History Month, we invite you to share a photo you’ve taken that fits the word/theme of each day (see our graphic). Get creative in showing us what these elements of our faith mean to YOU. The People of God deserve an expansive imagination when it comes to how we can be, together.

You can e-mail your photos to us at, or share them on Instagram (@womensordination) or Facebook/Twitter (@OrdainWomen) and use the hashtag #imagingchurch. We will share your images via social media as we create holy art together.
One of WOC’s board members, Abby Rampone, wrote a blog post recently in which she asked: “How do we address a problem of imagination? How do we dismantle both the internal and external structures that deny women’s sacred gifts?”
Art – especially art created together – can dismantle the oppressive images that limit our sense of the possible.
We’re excited to see the faith we share through your eyes.
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