Vocations Sunday 2020

On May 3, 2020, Vocations Sunday, supporters of women’s ordination from around the globe gathered virtually – in prayer, and longing, and praise for the women whose vocations must and will be part of the new church that is pieced together from the shards of the disaster of the pandemic. We proclaimed our theme: Women’s Vocations are Radiant and Unfading. We know that the spirit of Wisdom, “radiant and unfading” (Wis 6:12), enlivens all things, no matter how far apart.
Watch the virtual prayer:
Missed Vocations Sunday but still want to participate?
Light a candle and take a photo of yourself with our “Radiant and Unfading” sign (download here, and make sure to print on the “landscape” setting). Share it on social media with the hashtag #OrdainWomen or send it to us to share! Descarga nuestro cartel en español aqui.

The need for recognizing women’s vocations is more urgent than ever. The pandemic has revealed the necessity of new ways of being church – and that new church must include women in ordained ministry.
Right now, the sacraments are inaccessible for many, if not most, members of the Church, and that is a source of pain and longing. We call upon the People of God, and the hierarchy, to unite that pain with the pain of women for whom the sacrament of Holy Orders has always been inaccessible.
You are, and always have been, the living hope for a renewed church. Let’s continue to build it together.

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