Vocations Sunday 2021

My Dream of Vocation…
As “Vocations Sunday,” the Church’s World Day of Prayer for Vocations, approaches on April 25, we invite you to reflect: What is your dream of vocation? The prophet Joel and the Acts of the Apostles remind us: God’s Spirit, poured out upon us, allows us to prophesy, to see visions, and to dream dreams (cf Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17).
In his letter for the 2021 World Day of Prayer for Vocations, Pope Francis wrote that God’s dreams for us can lead to “profound and unexpected horizons.” We will pray and act to encourage the Pope and the hierarchy to open themselves to what profound and unexpected gifts they would experience if they fully recognized the dignity and the gifts of the entire church.
Read on to find out all the ways you can get involved!
Take a picture
Download our sign and complete the statement: “My dream of vocation…” with your own answer. Snap a photo and tag @OrdainWomen or #OrdainWomen or send to WOC by April 23. We’ll create a “dreamscape” that can’t be ignored!
Pray with us
Join us on Facebook for prayerful litany of our dreams for vocation, April 25th, noon EDT. This will be a Facebook live event, so just RSVP here, no zoom registration required.
Tweet the dream!
We’ve created a few handy tweets to add your voice to the chorus of people calling for ordination equality, and dreaming of a Vocations Sunday that welcomes all people. Tweets and links are below.
Click to Tweet
Just make sure you’re logged into Twitter on your browser, click the button, and the tweet will immediately fill in for you to send! Click to tweet any day leading up to, or on, Vocations Sunday, April 25th.
God gives us a bigger, more expansive dream of vocation than what the hierarchy has defended for too long. This Vocations Sunday, pray to #OrdainWomen Share on X My dream of vocation … (ADD YOUR DREAM HERE) #OrdainWomen Share on X God’s Spirit, poured out upon us, allows us to prophesy, to see visions, and to dream dreams (cf Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17). Our dream of ordination equality will not be denied #OrdainWomen Share on X Dream-weaving God, pour out your prophetic, visionary Spirit upon us: That we will not just see visions, but realize them; that we will not just dream dreams, but enact them. Be our breath, our Ruach, as we cry out: #OrdainWomen Share on X For those who will not accept us as priests, we will act as prophets. #OrdainWomen (gratefully adapted from the work of @rachelheldevans) Share on X
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