Calling Out for Equality: The Feast of Mary Magdalene 2021

There’s a story from the Eastern Orthodox tradition about Mary Magdalene and her iconic red egg…
Mary Magdalene went to the emperor Tiberius Caesar to proclaim the resurrection of Jesus and brought an egg, a traditional symbol of rebirth and spring. The emperor told her that it was no more possible that Jesus had risen from the dead than it was possible for the white egg in her hand to be red. But immediately, the egg in her hand turned red – a sign from God that the “impossible” had happened.
Like Mary Magdalene dismissed by the emperor, many people today are dismissed by the institutional Church when they proclaim that God has called them to ordained ministry. But every authentic call from God has beauty and vitality, and stands as a bright symbol of divine creativity.
For July 22, the feast of Mary Magdalene, we created a powerful visual display of red eggs in cities across the U.S. as a reminder that what earthly powers deem as “impossible” can in fact be confirmed and called forth by God.

This action was taken in solidarity with the women of the French organization “Toutes Apôtres!” (“All Women Apostles!”), who on July 22 presented themselves as candidates for ordained ministries in the French church. Last year, seven members of the group gained international media attention when they put themselves forward for as candidates for positions for ordained ministers throughout France.
Here’s how you can still participate!
- Continue to share our petition telling Pope Francis that ordaining women is not a crime!
- Download our Mary Magdalene prayer card. (Descarga en español aquí.)
And here’s a gallery of some of our supporters’ amazing actions on July 22nd:
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