Join our global “Walk With Women” event on October 6

On October 6th, WOC is organizing a “Walk with Women,” a procession through Rome to the synod hall to encourage the church to walk alongside women as equals throughout the synod and beyond. Together with our global sisters, we will begin at the site of the relic of the foot of St. Mary Magdalene, Apostle to the Apostles, and walk peacefully to St. Peter’s Square.
From Rome to your hometown, we represent a global, grassroots movement advocating for women’s equality. In that spirit, we invite you to join your footsteps and your voices in a global chorus for justice! Help us make this a global event by “walking the walk” in your community.
Ways to Participate:
- Organize a solidarity walk on October 6. Gather with WOC supporters in your local area and host your own walk for women’s equality!
- Join a walk in your area! Walks are already planned for October 6 (unless otherwise noted) in:
- Rome, Italy: Gather at 2:30 p.m., walk begins at 3 p.m. Route begins at San Giovanni dei Fiorentini (Via Acciaioli, 2) and concludes at St. Peter’s Square. Wear purple!
- Los Angeles, CA: Gather at 11 a.m. at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. There will be a short prayer at 11:30, and a walk around the cathedral carrying signs from 11:40-12, as people arrive for 12:10 Mass.
- Denver, CO: Meet at 6 p.m. at at the southwest corner of Sloan’s Lake, parking at 1700 N. Sheridan. We will begin walking north on Sheridan at 6:20 pm to St. Mary Magdalene Church, 2771 Zenobia St, Denver, CO 80212.
- Washington, DC: Meet at 3 pm at the Mary McLeod Bethune Memorial in Lincoln Park. Walk down Mass Ave to Constitution Ave, ending at the Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality National Monument on Capitol Hill. Wear purple and bring a sign!
- Urbana, IL: The walk will start at 9 am at Meadowbrook Park in Urbana, walking one loop around the park, and then traveling down Race St. to St. Patrick in Urbana, stopping in downtown Urbana for a cup of coffee and fellowship.
- Kingston, NY: TIME CHANGE: 2 p.m. — meet at the Steep Rocks Trail, (.86 miles one way), which will overlook the Hudson River at its summit.
- Rochester, NY: [NOTE: This walk will take place on Saturday, Sept. 30.] Starting at 11 a.m. and walking from the first national WOC office at St. Monica Church to a Susan B. Anthony Park in Rochester, NY. Those who would rather not walk the 1 1/2 miles can join the group at the park for prayer and a time of unity.
- Tulsa, OK: Gather at the Parish Church of St. Jerome at 205 West King Street at 5:30 p.m. to walk with supporters of women’s ordination.
- Philadelphia, PA: Join SEPAWOC at 11:30 a.m. at Sister Cities Park, across from the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul, to raise our voices for a global chorus for justice.
- Madrid, Spain: [NOTE: Event is on Oct 8.] “Caminamos for la Igualdad en Una Iglesia Sinodal”. Domingo, 8 de octubre, a las 12:00h. Jardín de Berta Cáceres (C/ Santa María Magdalena – Metro Pio). Ven a pasar un rato divertido reivindicando la Igualdad en nuestra Iglesia. Grabaremos un vídeo para participar en una iniciativa del CWC con motivo de / a celebración del Sínodo de Roma. ¡No olvides to camiseta blanca!
- Brussels, Belgium: At 11 a.m., meet at the stairs of the St Michael Cathedral of Brussels. Look for posters saying ‘ORDAIN WOMEN’/pour L’ORDINATION des femmes /voor VROUWENWIJDING ‘WALK WITH WOMEN’.
- Rome, Italy: Gather at 2:30 p.m., walk begins at 3 p.m. Route begins at San Giovanni dei Fiorentini (Via Acciaioli, 2) and concludes at St. Peter’s Square. Wear purple!
- Join our walk as a “virtual participant,” wherever you are. Even if there’s no event in your community, you can walk/roll/bike wherever you are and let us know about it – we’ll be lifting up all participants on social media and in our messaging!
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