Vocations Sunday 2024 Recap: Same Baptism. Same Spirit. Same Calling.

As supporters of ordination justice stood outside the Cathedral of St. Matthew in Washington, DC and sang, Same Baptism, Same Spirit, Same Calling…we were greeted with overwhelming support from mass-goers and church leaders alike.
One priest in particular said: “You’re very welcome here. We’re on the same page.”
Throughout the day we received photos and reports from WOC activists sharing tales of hail (hi, Rochester!), hope, and only a few hecklers. We’re grateful for this courageous sidewalk ministry as well as those who shared our call for an inclusive Vocations Sunday on social media and in conversations. You helped make visible a growing hunger and urgency for women’s ordination in the Catholic church. Thank you!
If you’d like to get involved at the local level or start planning for the next action, please sign up for our Wildflowers of the Grassroots session on May 8th at 8 p.m. ET. We’d love to see you there.
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