Catholic Activists Protest for Women Priests at U.S. Bishops Meeting

Catholic Activists Protest for Women Priests at U.S. Bishops Meeting

For Immediate Release: November 10, 2004

Washington, D.C. – On November 15, the Women’s Ordination Conference (WOC) will host a prayerful protest to advocate for women priests outside the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops meeting.  Participants will gather on the sidewalk in front of the Hyatt Regency on Capital Hill, 400 New Jersey Ave, NW from 11:00 am to noon. 

"It is now more important than ever for supporters of women’s ordination to stand up and be heard," Joy Barnes, WOC’s Executive Director, stated. "While the number of priests declines at an alarming rate, many women are ready to answer the call to priesthood.  In many parts of the world, people do not have access to the Eucharist because of the priest shortage, yet the Vatican continues to ignore this reality and deny ordination to people who could alleviate this grave problem-women."

"A recent letter from Rome condemned the ‘lethal effects of feminism’ and re-affirmed the position that women are not suitable for the priesthood," Barnes continued, "We are outraged with the sexism and oppression in our church.  It must stop.  On November 15th, the people of the Catholic Church are standing up to say, ‘Ordain women NOW!’"

"Create a Pearl in the Church: Irritate for Women’s Ordination" is the theme of the event.  Barnes explained the theme, "Just as a grain of sand irritates the inside of an oyster to create a pearl, we are moving forward with our ‘Ministry of Irritation.’ We will be the grains of sand that create a pearl of wisdom and help the bishops move the church forward to bring about women’s ordination into a renewed Catholic priesthood."  Participants are encouraged to join the spirit of positive and fun activism by wearing pearls to the event.

This powerful event brings together WOC’s Three Ministries: 1) the Ministry of Irritation challenges church policies regarding women through dramatic actions such as the protest on November 15th; 2) the Ministry of Walking with Women Called offers support and resources to women who are called to priesthood; and 3) the Ministry of Prophetic Obedience supports women and communities moving forward with community-based ordinations.  Thirty minutes before and after the scheduled event, WOC will be hosting an informal press gathering.  Organizational representatives will be present to speak to the media about the protest, as well as WOC programs and activities. 



The Women’s Ordination Conference works for the equality of women and men in all dimensions in the Roman Catholic Church.  Founded in 1975, WOC supports women’s ordination to the priesthood in a renewed church that is compassionate, inclusive and empowering toward all people.