Calling for Submissions for “Liberating Liturgies 2.0”

Calling for Submissions for “Liberating Liturgies 2.0”

Do we dare speak our own prayers? 

Several months ago, we launched a research project, “Mainstreaming Women’s Ministries,” to survey young Catholic women who pursue advanced theological degrees, with the core question: how can the Church better serve and support these women? 

While we continue to analyze the results, we know that there is a vital need for prayers and liturgies written by women and speaking to the variety of women’s lived experiences, of all ages.  

Therefore, we are putting out a call for submissions for prayers and liturgical resources of all kinds to be used in various ministerial contexts. 

We seek prayers, songs, artwork, liturgies, and other rituals, especially those that relate to experiences specific to women, rooted in Catholicism.  We encourage submissions that:

  • Use gender-inclusive language
  • Include creative, varied, and expansive names for God
  • Are creative and adaptable
  • Satisfy a variety of needs
  • Represent the diversity of Catholic women 

These will be collected and compiled into a book we are calling “Liberating Liturgies 2.0.” 

Many longtime WOC members will remember (or were contributors to) the original “Liberating Liturgies,” published in 1989. Thirty years later, we know that a lot has changed in our understanding of radical inclusion, intersectionality, and feminism(s), but we know that the words written in the book’s introduction still ring true: 

“Why a collection of liturgies? A global linkage unifying women through prayer; nurturing the spirit of reconciliation… and demonstrating the vitality of women’s prayers in the latter part of this century [and now in the 21st century].”

Please email your submissions to with the subject line “Liturgical Resource Submission.”  We prefer submissions to be sent in .docx format.  The deadline for submissions is September 30, 2019. If selected, we will be in touch regarding publication. Your submission will not be used without your explicit permission. You can remain anonymous, if you so desire. 

Thank you for daring to speak your prayers, and to share them with the world.