Author: Kate McElwee

Progressive groups urge Catholics to vote their conscience

Read the full article by Madeleine Davison on In a July open letter released ahead of the national party conventions, the Women-Church Convergence, a coalition of progressive, feminist Catholic organizations, urged Catholics to vote in November by listening to their consciences rather than their clergy. “We’re encouraging Catholics to search their own conscience and values and…
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Women’s Ordination Conference surveys Catholic women in lay ministry

Read the full article by Alexandra Greenwald on Titled “Mainstreaming Women’s Ministries in the Roman Catholic Church,” the survey found that 82% of those surveyed felt that women’s ministries were not valued equally to men’s. Of the 224 young Catholic women in formation and ministry in the U.S. who responded, 80% were dissatisfied with…
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New Survey of Young Catholic Women in Formation and Ministry in the U.S.

The Women’s Ordination Conference is pleased to announce the results of a new survey of Catholic women ages 21-40 who have earned or are pursuing a higher degree in ministry or related studies.   Funded by the Louisville Institute, this study was conducted by WOC Executive Director, Kate McElwee, and Program Associate, Katie Lacz, to explore the…
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Digital Organizer

Founded in 1975, Women’s Ordination Conference (WOC) is a membership funded non-profit organization working for ordination of women as deacons, priests, and bishops into an accountable and inclusive Roman Catholic Church. Job Title: Digital Organizer This is a part-time (non-exempt), remote position, estimated at 20-25 hours per week, with an hourly wage of $20-23/hour depending…
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Escucha, ora y actua! – (Listen, Pray and Act!)

EALM: Escucha, ora y actua! – (Listen, Pray and Act!) June 28, 2020, 12 PM ET Please join us on Sunday, June 28th for Escucha, ora y actua! – (Listen, Pray and Act!) — a virtual introduction to WOC’s Spanish-language outreach program, Escuchando a las Mujeres and a community prayer for justice. Together we’ll listen…
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We are called to be anti-racist

The Women’s Ordination Conference denounces white supremacy and the systemic violence of racism. We stand unequivocally with those who are marginalized, silenced, or discriminated against, and work to transform oppressive structures of domination, inequality, imperialism, and racism. We denounce police violence. We grieve and mourn alongside the families and communities – especially the black community…
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We have heard the cries of the people of the Amazon and around the world – WOC Responds to New Women Deacon Commission

April 8, 2020 The Women’s Ordination Conference welcomes the news of the appointment of a new Vatican commission studying the ordination of women deacons. This announcement comes 165 days after Pope Francis’ remarks at the close of the Synod of Bishops on the Amazon region, when he committed to further study on the topic: “I…
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Lo sciopero globale delle donne cattoliche per ottenere uguaglianza nella Chiesa cattolica

Il Catholic Women Strike inizierà ufficialmente domenica 3 maggio e si protrarrà per tutto il mese tradizionalmente dedicato alla Madonna. Boicottaggio di celebrazioni e funzioni ufficiali, astensione da azioni di volontariato, stop e reindirizzamento di fondi destinati a parrocchie e diocesi

Catholic Women Announce Global Strike from Church Participation

In celebration of International Women’s Day, Catholic women are initiating a global strike from Church participation, attendance, and financial contributions throughout the month of May.  Organized by a network of 12 progressive Catholic organizations, the Catholic Women Strike campaign will begin on May 3rd, the “World Day of Prayer for Vocations,” and will nonviolently disrupt…
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Women’s Ordination Advocates to March from United Nations to St. Patrick’s Cathedral on International Women’s Day

New York: As women unite worldwide for International Women’s Day (March 8), Catholic women’s ordination advocates will march from the United Nations to the steps of New York’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral to demonstrate that women’s rights should not end at the steps of our churches. Singing a revised version of the classic labor rights song…
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