Beginning Again…Again
Oh dear. Another year. Where and how to end the old? Where and how to begin the new? What more can we possibly say? What more can we possibly do?
I know in my heart the answer is “Plenty! So get moving!”
I ask, therefore, that the push/pull of Carlo Carretto’s “Letter” below resonate with and touch us, inspire us, and then move us forward with renewed energy and determination as we try to answer his final question. Happy New Year.
A Letter to Church
How baffling you are, O Church,
and yet, how I love you.
How you have made me suffer
and yet, how much I owe you.
I should like to see you destroyed,
and yet I need your presence.
You have given me so much scandal
and yet, you have helped me understand sanctity.
I have seen nothing in the world more
devoted to obscurity, more compromised, more false.
And I have touched nothing more pure,
more generous, more beautiful.
How often I have wanted to shut the doors
of my soul in your face
And how often I have prayed
to die in the safety of your arms,
Nor, I cannot free myself from you
Because I am you,
although not completely.
And where should I go?
— Carlo Carretto
One Response
Very good! I should have included this poem here:
“Original Sin” is the Root Cause of the Patriarchal Culture
In Christ,