June 4th, 2019
Regina Bannan in The Table has given us enlightening, witty, and profound insights into James Carroll’s “To Save the Church, Dismantle the Priesthood” article in The Atlantic. Humbly, I’d like to add a progressive (I hope!) Catholic layperson’s reaction to part of the article as well. Often criticism articles like Carroll’s focus on analyzing problems,…
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June 1st, 2019
This week my attention is drawn to the different ways ordained women understand their ministry. My first inspiration is a response in The Atlantic to the James Carroll piece that I wrote about last week. Susan Bigelow Reynolds writes of her experience in graduate school when she lived in a Catholic rectory (which the priests…
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May 25th, 2019
Perhaps with a side of reproductive rights? What a week for causes dear to us! Suddenly the things we talk about in our impassioned conversations are on the front pages, one in The Atlantic, no less. So I’ll go there first. Are we working so hard to get ordained into something that ought to be…
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May 21st, 2019
This started out as a reflection on Mother’s Day. I had begun thinking about the Church as Mother, and my own role as a mother, and was just piecing a lot of those thoughts together when I began to process the anti-abortion laws currently being voted on and passed in several states in the U.S.…
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May 18th, 2019
At the first Roman Catholic Women Priests ordinations on the St. Lawrence River in Gananoque, Quebec, I was so happy. But when the big moment came, all the news photographers there stood up and got their pictures, totally blocking my view. I thought of the irony of it all – I had been working for…
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May 11th, 2019
Why is it that only the “no” votes matter? That change can be put off because not everybody agrees? Not to decide is to decide, the mantra of Pope Francis when it comes to us. Once again, women are revealed as the third rail of the church. You’ll be executed if you touch it, so…
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April 23rd, 2019
How broken is your heart? Mine certainly is. I’m speaking, of course, about the burning of the central part of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. As probably many of you, I loved the Cathedral: its position in the center of that most exquisite city; its romantic presence and Gothic majesty; and, yes, the tribute I…
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April 20th, 2019
Perhaps you’ve heard that Joseph Ratzinger (formerly known as Pope Benedict XVI) published a letter last week about the causes of sex abuse and other problems in the church. He does not once mention the evils of feminism! He makes glancing references to women, like the danger when a “girlfriend” of a lay pastoral worker,…
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April 13th, 2019
Is “a difficult woman” a cliché? It’s been used in an Australian television series and a biography of Lillian Hellman, not to mention a book by Roxane Gay and an anthology about twenty-nine contemporary women. Would Lucetta Scaraffia be an Italian version? Having written about her resignation letter and now having read several articles published…
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April 6th, 2019
“Blasted” is how Nicole Winfield of the Associated Press characterizes the response of the Women’s Ordination Conference to Pope Francis’s new apostolic exhortation, “Christus Vivit.” Winfield does not quote WOC’s best blast: that the Pope is “suggesting no concrete actions to further his own bishops’ call for the inclusion of women in decision-making and leadership…
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