May 13th, 2016
Yesterday, Pope Francis made headlines when he agreed to set up a commission to study opening the diaconate to women. The unexpected news brought much joy to the many women who are called to serve as deacons in the Church. Maria Angelika Fromm is one of those women. Upon hearing the news, Angelika wrote to WOC: My first…
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February 15th, 2016
Recently I had the opportunity to speak with an incredible community in San Diego, the Mary Magdalene Apostle Catholic Community (MMACC). This is a community that I continually refer to when asked about the variety of women priests’ communities and ministries. MMACC is a thriving parish of around one hundred families, celebrating more than a…
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October 26th, 2015
Sr. Carmen Sammut, a Missionary Sister of Our Lady of Africa originally from Malta and president of the International Union of Superior Generals (UISG) shared her experience as a non-voting auditor of the recent Synod on the Family this morning in Rome. Nearly 125 attended the public event to hear Sr. Carmen’s perspective on the…
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October 7th, 2015
Following the Catholic Women Speak launch, WOC board member Sheila Peiffer, posed the apt question: Catholic women are speaking, but “are Catholic men listening? Sheila was a key volunteer during the WOW conference and was one of several early editor-readers of the Catholic Women Speak book. She was able to attend the launch in Rome with me: The mission…
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October 2nd, 2015
The contributors and supporters of a collection of essays called, “Catholic Women Speak: Bringing Our Gifts to the Table,” gathered yesterday at the Pontifical University, Antonianum for the landmark launch of their book. The full day affair involved support from several embassies to the Holy See, and special guests Mary McAleese, Sr. Mary Melone, and Lucetta…
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September 28th, 2015
So many of the successes of WOW 2015 are still sinking in for me. With 500 extraordinary people in one space, your conversations, encouragement, and questions are still buzzing in my mind. I have immense gratitude for all of you who supported the conference in your own way, and for the time and talent shared for…
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June 8th, 2015
For the second time the “Collaboration of Men and Women in Ministry,” a working group of the Justice and Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) promoters in Rome, hosted Italian theologian Marinella Perroni for a Saturday lecture. Mostly women religious and handfuls of non-religious attended the discussion, “Women and the New Testament: The Apostolic preaching…
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April 17th, 2015
Between Easter and Pentecost, International Church Reformers gathered for four days in Limerick without a strict agenda. The intention was to get to know each other, share ideas about Church reform, and explore ways of supporting each other in our work structurally and at the grassroots. We began our time together answering why we accepted this invitation,…
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February 9th, 2015
Last week I had the opportunity to meet an amazing young German woman, vocal about her call to the priesthood visiting Rome with her parish. Jacqueline Straub, her parish priest and I sat down for coffee and cornetti… Jacqueline was recently featured on a “LifeLinks” series called #ForChristsSake, highlighting the stories of three people who are…
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December 9th, 2014
NOW IN PAPERBACK! SPECIAL DISCOUNT! USE PROMOTIONAL CODE 7A3AUTHF AND SAVE 25% Incompatible with God’s Design: A History of the Women’s Ordination Movement in the U.S. Roman Catholic Church By Mary Jeremy Daigler Incompatible with God’s Design is the first comprehensive history of the Roman Catholic women’s ordination movement in the United States. Mary Jeremy Daigler explores how the…
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