In the News

April 17th, 2020

Church Times: Pope initiates a second study of women deacons

By Pat Ashworth Read the full article here. THE Pope has set up a new commission to study the possibility of ordaining women to the diaconate, after an initial study commissioned in 2016 reported last year inconclusively. At the Synod of Bishops’ meeting in October 2019, which focused on the peoples of the Amazon, bishops acknowledged that many…
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April 14th, 2020

Novena News: On new deacons commission, Catholic women warn Pope against cementing their “second-class status” in Church

By Mada Jurado Read the full article here. On the subject of his new commission to study the possible ordination of female deacons, Catholic women have warned Pope Francis against cementing their “second-class status” in the Church. In a press release April 8, the same day the Vatican announced the formation of the new commission, the…
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April 10th, 2020

Il Mattino: Il Papa non molla: nuova commissione sul diaconato femminile e le speranze delle donne si riaccendono

By Franca Giansoldati Read the full article (in Italian) here. L’incarico stavolta lo ha affidato al cardinale dell’Aquila, Giuseppe Petrocchi, un ottimo mediatore, uno che ha dovuto gestire il post terremoto all’Aquila. Papa Francesco ha deciso di istituire una nuova Commissione di studio sul diaconato femminile, dopo lo stop verificatosi per le troppe opposizioni interne.…
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April 9th, 2020

NCR: Schenk's biography of Mercy Sr. Theresa Kane a detailed account of visionary's path

By Mary E. Hunt Read the full review here. You can tell a book by its cover. The luminous picture of Theresa Kane on the cover of this volume (courtesy of portrays a beautiful woman of calm, confidence, vision and joy. Theresa Kane is a Catholic feminist with a powerful claim on the hearts and…
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April 9th, 2020

Washington Times: U.S. Catholics wary of panel that will study idea of women as deacons

By Christopher Vondracek Read the full article here. Some American Catholics are wary of Pope Francis‘ call for a commission to study the idea of female deacons, saying the panel likely will be mostly conservative theologians…. … The Women’s Ordination Conference, a Washington D.C.-based group advocating for “feminist voice for women in the Roman Catholic Church,”…
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April 8th, 2020

The Tablet: Pope to Reconsider Question of Women Deacons

By Ruth Gledhill Read the full article here. Pope Francis has set up a new commission study the question of women deacons. It is the second study commission on the subject. The first one was set up in August 2016 to look the role of women in the early church. It produced a report last January…
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March 28th, 2020

Novena News: Austrian cardinal insists question of women in Church leadership positions remains open

By Mada Jurado Read the full article here. The coronavirus crisis has brought the world to a tragic, grinding halt. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t tiny specks of hope on the horizon, such as in Austria, where a cardinal has insisted that the question of women in Church leadership positions remains open. Archbishop of Vienna Christoph Schönborn was…
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March 11th, 2020

Lo sciopero globale delle donne cattoliche per ottenere uguaglianza nella Chiesa cattolica

Il Catholic Women Strike inizierà ufficialmente domenica 3 maggio e si protrarrà per tutto il mese tradizionalmente dedicato alla Madonna. Boicottaggio di celebrazioni e funzioni ufficiali, astensione da azioni di volontariato, stop e reindirizzamento di fondi destinati a parrocchie e diocesi

March 10th, 2020

Crux: Protestors seek female ordination during Women’s Day march in New York

By Christopher White Read the full article here NEW YORK – Churches may have been emptier than usual this past weekend due to fears related to the coronavirus – but according to a group of demonstrators in Manhattan, the Catholic Church’s unwillingness to expand the priesthood to women has led to a decades-in-the-making clearing out…
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February 20th, 2020

The Tablet: Amazon group says celibacy rule will be lifted

By James Roberts and Christa Pongratz-Lippitt Read the full article here Responses to the release of Pope Francis’ exhortation on the Amazon Synod, Querida Amazonia, were mostly divided between those whose hopes for major announcements on the ordination of married priests and women deacons in the region were disappointed, and those whose fears of such announcements…
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