October 24th, 2019
By Christopher WhiteCrux ROME – As the Vatican’s meeting on the Amazon draws to a close this week, one group is using the occasion to seek new roles for women in leadership, hosting a prayer vigil on Tuesday in support of women’s ordination to the priesthood and the diaconate. “Without women there would be no…
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October 22nd, 2019
By Angela GiuffridaThe Guardian Campaigners have gathered in Rome to call for the lifting of a ban on female priests that would “save the Catholic Church” where it is failing to ordain enough men. Activists from the Women’s Ordination Worldwide (Wow) group protested outside the Vatican on Tuesday as the church’s hierarchy pondered the idea of allowing…
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October 3rd, 2019
By Elizabeth Eisenstadt EvansGlobal Sisters Report On an October day four decades ago, Sr. Theresa Kane, president of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious and head of the Sisters of Mercy in the U.S., stood before 5,000 other sisters gathered to greet Pope John Paul II at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the…
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October 2nd, 2019
OMA.- Cuando faltan pocos días para el comienzo del sínodo sobre la Amazonia convocado por el Papa en el Vaticano , un grupo de mujeres católicas está en pie de guerra: reclama voz en la toma de decisiones y voto.Ads by Aunque en la reunión de obispos -que comenzará el próximo lunes y se extenderá durante todo el mes- por primera vez fueron designadas mujeres…
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October 2nd, 2019
ROME – As the Synod of Bishops for the Amazon approaches, women from several religious orders and organizations have banded together to demand they be given voting rights during the meeting, a privilege typically awarded only to ordained men. “These are the modern-day suffragettes,” Deborah Rose Milavec, Co-Director of the Future Church advocacy organization, said…
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June 18th, 2019
By Lara PinheiroGlobo (Brazil) (Translated from Portuguese) The hope, says Kate McElwee of Women’s Ordination Worldwide, who advocates for women’s ordination in the Catholic Church, is that the October discussion will further deepen the recognition of women’s presence in the institution. “Women are ministering to their communities on the margins in order to meet the…
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May 16th, 2019
By Sarah Mac DonaldThe Tablet “Groups supporting the ordination of women deacons have expressed “disappointment” and “astonishment” at Pope Francis’ suggestion that the Church is not ready to take this step…. …Women’s Ordination Worldwide (WOW), an international network of groups campaigning for the inclusion of women in all ordained ministries in the Church, said it…
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April 3rd, 2019
By Jamie Manson/April 1, 2019Conscience “What do Roman Catholic women want from their church? It’s fair to say that no one in the hierarchy has publicly asked such a question of women, who make up more than half of the church’s baptized members. The past year has proven once again that the church’s leadership must…
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April 2nd, 2019
By Nicole Winfield/AP (VATICAN CITY) — Pope Francis said in a document released Tuesday that women have “legitimate claims” to seek more equality in the Catholic Church, but he stopped short of endorsing recent calls from his own bishops to give women leadership roles…. …The Women’s Ordination Conference, which advocates for a female priesthood, blasted…
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January 8th, 2019
PROVIDENCE — Rhode Island clergywomen across religions and denominations took different paths to arrive at their positions, but for many, their journeys began the same way — with a calling. “It clearly chose me, and I responded,” said the Rev. Jamie Washam, pastor of the First Baptist Church in America. Answering that call brought these women…
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