In the News

October 25th, 2018

Votes for Catholic Women News Round-up

Reuters: Vatican ‘suffragettes’ want vote, change, in a man’s Church Huffington Post: Catholic Activists Demand Women’s Voting Rights At Major Vatican Meeting RSI: Voto alle donne cattoliche. Progetto Dialogue en route. Scisma ortodosso National Catholic Reporter: Knock, Knock! Who’s There? More than Half the Church  New York Times: Vatican Faces Modern-Day Suffragists, Demanding Right to Vote…
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October 8th, 2018

International Press Coverage of Women’s Ordination Conference Events in Rome

After brief embrace from prelates, activists clash with Italian police National Catholic Reporter By Jamie Manson ROME — A peaceful protest just steps from St. Peter’s Square turned into a clash with Roman police, as bishops and cardinals were entering the opening session of the Synod of Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment on Oct.…
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September 20th, 2018

“Fight from the inside”: Young Catholics in Colorado try to keep faith amid latest sexual abuse allegations

Read the full story in the Denver Post here.  Katie Lacz ruminates over her Catholic faith, wondering if she’s finally hit a breaking point strong enough to tear her from the religion she’s wrapped herself in her entire life. “I know how much is wrong with the church, and yet I love it because of…
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September 19th, 2018

Sex abuse and the Catholic Church

BY TOM AND BETTY HILL Olympia September 18, 2018 03:17 PM On Aug 14, a grand Jury in Pennsylvania released a report detailing the abuse suffered by over 1,000 child victims and names 300 Catholic priests as credibly accused. The report shed light on the decades-long effort of Catholic Church officials to shield the perpetrators…
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September 10th, 2018

Catholics Demand Truth: CatholicToo coverage

Catholic faithful demand change after sex abuse scandals (AP) Catholics seeking reform gather to pray, decry grand jury sex-abuse report ( Catholic Church Members Protest in DC, demand for changes (WTOP) Catholics Putting Pressure On Church Leaders To Prevent Sex Abuse (CBS) Feligreses exigen transparencia de la iglesia católica de Nueva York en casos de abusos…
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September 7th, 2018

‘Making the Difference’, 8th Women and Religions conference

Originally on ANSA  ROME – The 8th edition of the Women and Religions conference, titled “Making the Difference”, is taking place in Rome on Thursday and Friday at the Marco Besso Foundation. The conference is an international gathering focused on dialogue and sharing among science, theology, and institutions. Italian Senator for life Liliana Segre will…
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August 20th, 2018

Ireland enthusiastic for World Meeting of Families despite misgivings about abuse scandals

…A protest is being planned by Women’s Ordination Worldwide to coincide with the Aug. 26 closing papal Mass celebrated by Francis. Kate McElwee, executive director of Women’s Ordination Conference, a member of the umbrella group Women’s Ordination Worldwide, told NCR a prayerful public witness for women’s equality in the church will be held at the…
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August 16th, 2018

Latest Catholic parish reform effort: Creating a space for priests to listen to women

On the “Reasonably Catholic” podcast, listen to Executive Director Kate McElwee, FutureChurch Executive Director Deb Rose-Milavec, and Redemptorist priest Tony Flannery talk about the “Listening to Women” initiative to hear women’s experiences in Catholic parishes across the U.S. Listen to the podcast here. 

August 10th, 2018

LCWR, Catholic reform organizations respond to AP report on sexual abuse of nuns by clergy

Three Catholic reform organizations have expressed solidarity with women religious speaking about sexual abuse by clergy. Call To Action, FutureChurch and Women’s Ordination Conference issued a statement Aug. 2 condemning clergy abuse allegations and thanking women religious and other survivors for coming forward. The three organizations launched the #CatholicToo campaign in December 2017 “as a Catholic response to the outpouring of…
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July 23rd, 2018

Women push for more from Vatican, Francis

Read the NCR article here Kate McElwee, executive director of Women’s Ordination Conference, explained to NCR that she and Deborah Rose-Milavec, executive director of FutureChurch, spoke with Bishop Dusan Spiner, a priest who was ordained to serve the underground church in the 1973 by Bishop Felix Maria Davidek. Rose-Milavec described the opportunity to meet Spiner as “an…
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