July 10th, 2018
A new petition has been launched to reinstate a popular priest who was excommunicated for his support of female ordination. CORPUS, an organization begun by resigned priests and their families that calls for a more inclusive church, released a petition June 28 to reinstate former Maryknoll priest Roy Bourgeois. Bourgeois was excommunicated after saying the homily at an August…
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July 9th, 2018
A television broadcast of the 2018 International Church Reform Network meeting in Slovakia. (Begins at minute 15:27) https://tvthek.orf.at/profile/Orientierung/1366/Orientierung/13982324
June 25th, 2018
Pope Francis has stated that while he supports having more women in positions of authority within the Roman Catholic Church, he does not support allowing women to become priests. The head of the one billion-strong Church was interviewed by Reuters earlier this week on a host of issues. When asked about female ordination, Francis responded…
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June 25th, 2018
Američanka bojuje za ženskú vysviacku v rímskokatolíckej cirkvi aj ružovým dymom nad Vatikánom Predsedníčka organizácie Konferencia pre ženskú vysviacku Kate McElweeová hovorí, že katolícky klérus sa diskusiu na túto tému snaží umlčať, a vysvetľuje, prečo súčasná cirkev neslúži všetkým veriacim. Click here for the full article.
June 11th, 2018
Advocates for the ordination of women in the Roman Catholic Church said they are “deeply dismayed” by a newspaper article penned by the Vatican’s doctrinal chief that reaffirmed the church’s ban on women priests as “definitive” and “a truth belonging to the deposit of faith.” “Archbishop [Luis] Ladaria’s arguments are unconvincing and simply nothing new,” said a…
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April 24th, 2018
NEW YORK — In five years, Pope Francis has led a call to save humanity from climate change, propelled a renewed vision on social justice and offered a clear welcome to estranged Catholics. But he still has issues with women which dampen that positive impact, a consensus emerged from feminist scholars and others at an April…
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April 4th, 2018
While there have been important cultural advances for women in terms of their role in society, the one institution that does not appear to have altered its attitude towards women to any great degree is the Roman Catholic Church. This is despite Pope Francis’s 2013 remarks that women are “essential for the church”. It seems…
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April 3rd, 2018
As Catholic feminists and leaders of organizations committed to justice for women within our church as well as throughout society, we have followed Voices of Faith’s efforts to crack open the Vatican walls by sponsoring an annual forum about women inside one of the last remaining bastions of male domination in the western world. Since 2014, Voices…
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March 11th, 2018
With BBC Radio’s Audrey Carville, WOC executive director, Kate McElwee and Paula McKeown from Down & Conor Diocese discuss Mary McAleese’s address at Voices of Faith 2018 and the question: are women valued in the Catholic Church? https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p060sfyc
March 4th, 2018
Rome-based Kate McElwee, executive director of the Women’s Ordination Conference, praises the previously deferential-to-cardinals organization Voices of Faith for taking its annual International Women’s Day conference outside the Vatican walls after three planned speakers were rejected from the program. One of them is former President of Ireland Mary McAleese, an outspoken proponent of women’s ordination and…
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