April 28th, 2015
The role and full equality of women in church life as well as the governance of the church were the two main issues discussed by delegates at the second international meeting of priest associations and lay reform groups here April 13-17. In a statement at the conclusion of their four-day gathering, the 38 delegates from…
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April 22nd, 2015
Read the full article on Aljazeera America When the Vatican announced last week that it had abruptly concluded its crackdown on a group that represents more than 41,000 American nuns for allegedly promoting “radical feminist themes incompatible with the Catholic faith,” a familiar hero emerged: Pope Francis, liberal reformer of the Catholic Church. “What a…
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April 20th, 2015
Read the full article on Variety Susan Sarandon has boarded “Radical Grace” as executive producer in advance of the feature documentary’s world premiere at the Hot Docs Festival in Toronto, Variety has learned. “Grace,” the feature bow of Chicago filmmaker Rebecca Parrish, follows three American feminist nuns whose work for social justice causes sets them…
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April 20th, 2015
Advocacy group Nun Justice Project issued a statement saying it was fitting that in the Year of Consecrated Life, church officials finally recognized the work and leadership of sisters. But the group also wants more. “The Nun Justice Project believes that an apology should also have been given to the sisters, but the end of…
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April 8th, 2015
(Read the full article on www.krytykapolityczna.pl – and look for ZUZANNA RADZIK’s book, “Church Women” to be released this April) Chcemy kompletnej zmiany, przebudowy Kościoła, ale nie wierzymy, że uda się zbudować jakiś utopijny feministyczny Kościół w ciągu jednej nocy. Miały dużo szczęścia, w ciemno kupując bilety do Rzymu (Duch Święty? zwykły fart?). Przez znajomych z teatru…
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February 17th, 2015
Pas d’ordination sacerdotale Le discours inédit du pape a cependant de solides limites. Sur l’ordination de femmes, il est catégorique : « le sacerdoce réservé aux hommes (…) ne se discute pas », écrit-il dans Evangelii Gaudium. François confirme la position de l’Église quand il prête des qualités propres à la femme : « elle est celle qui…
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February 9th, 2015
PBS “To the Contrary” discusses the “Women’s Cultures,” quoting Kate McElwee on the WOC blog. The conversation begins at 8:43, watch the video here
February 5th, 2015
Read the full report on International Business Times A four-day Vatican conference titled “Women’s Cultures: Equality and Difference” kicked off Wednesday in Rome’s Teatro Argentina. A nun, a female plastic surgeon and a theologian spoke — but there were still notable absences, according to Kate McElwee, executive director of the Women’s Ordination Conference, who attended…
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February 4th, 2015
Read the original article on PBS NewsHour The Vatican has removed controversial video urging women to reflect on their role in society ahead of the organization’s an all-male summit on women’s issues this week. In the video, commissioned by Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, an Italian actress with a thick accent asks women to submit one-minute videos…
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February 3rd, 2015
Read the original article from Les Nouvelles Au Vatican, l’assemblée plénière du Conseil pontifical de la culture, du 4 au 7 février, s’intéresse aux femmes. Avec cette thématique : « Les cultures féminines : égalité et différence ». Radio Vatican donne le ton : « Il ne s’agit pas d’exalter la femme dans sa seule dimension maternelle, mais de montrer que…
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