In the News

February 27th, 2013

AP: Pope legacy: Teacher who returned to church roots

….   Benedict also gets poor grades from liberal Catholics who felt abandoned by a pope who seemed to roll back the clock on the modernizing reforms of Vatican II and launched a crackdown on Vatican nuns, deemed to have strayed too far from his doctrinal orthodoxy. Some priests are now living in open rebellion…
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February 20th, 2013

Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation inspires hope for expanding women’s role in church

NEWARK — For those hoping to change the role of women in the Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI’s tenure did not inspire much hope. During his eight years as pope, the Vatican reaffirmed the church’s ban on women priests and publicly rebuked American nuns for promoting "radical feminist" causes. But with a new pope comes…
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February 11th, 2013

Erin Saiz Hanna, Executive Director on Al Jazeera English with host Barbara Serra

Executive Director of the Women’s Ordination Conference, Erin Saiz Hanna, discusses the resignation of Pope Benedict with host Barbara Serra. Watch here

February 10th, 2013

Liberals, women priest advocates urge change after Benedict

(Reuters) – Supporters of liberal reform in the Catholic Church said on Monday they hoped Pope Benedict’s successor would give a greater voice to women and reconsider rules on priestly celibacy, women priests and same-sex couples. Benedict, who, like his predecessor John Paul, firmly opposed the ordination of women priests and described gay marriage as…
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January 9th, 2013

Papal Decree on the Dismissal of Fr. Roy Bourgeois

[VATICAN CREST OF ARMS]   CONGREGATION FOR THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH (Dismissal from clerical state and dispensation from clerical duties) Protocol Number 270/2008   The Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America Reverend Roy L. Bourgeois The Supreme Pontiff, Pope Benedict 16th   after having heard the relation of this Congregation about the reproachful behavior1…
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January 4th, 2013

Irish Central: ‘Ordain a Lady’ campaign for women to become priests goes viral

By: Antoinette Kelly Song pleads: ‘Hey, I was baptized, and this is crazy, But God just called me, so ordain a lady’ One of the oldest women’s Catholic organizations in the world has released a music video in their latest effort to persuade the Vatican to ordain women. Women’s Ordination Conference, which claims to be…
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January 3rd, 2013

Feministing: The Women’s Ordination Conference says “Ordain a Lady”

By: Chloe   I know, I know, we’re all sick of “Call Me Maybe” parodies. But this one is about the need to reform the Catholic Church to allow women to serve as priests, deacons, and bishops. Warning: the use of dancing Catholic schoolgirls in this video will probably make you want to watch the “Baby One…
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December 3rd, 2012

AFP: Catholic newspaper calls for ordination of women

By Robert MacPherson WASHINGTON — An independent Roman Catholic newspaper in the United States called Monday for a campaign to reverse the Vatican’s refusal to allow women to become priests. "Barring women from ordination to the priesthood is an injustice that cannot be allowed to stand," the National Catholic Reporter said, waving a red flag…
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December 2nd, 2012

NCR: Ordination of women would correct an injustice

NCR Editorial Staff take a stance and state their support for women’s ordination.  Editorial: Ordination of women would correct an injustice By NCR Editorial Staff  The call to the priesthood is a gift from God. It is rooted in baptism and is called forth and affirmed by the community because it is authentic and evident…
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November 21st, 2012

Dismissed U.S. priest vows to keep fighting for women’s ordination

(Reuters) – An American activist priest who was dismissed by the Vatican because of his support for women’s ordination said on Tuesday the Roman Catholic Church will have to deal with the issue of gender inequality. The Maryknoll religious order said on Monday that Father Ray Bourgeois had been kicked out of the priesthood and…
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