August 8th, 2012
Erin Saiz Hanna was featured in this article about the outpouring of support for the LCWR at their annual conference in Saint Louis, MO. ‘We’re with you, sisters’: Nuns amazed by outpouring of support By Becky Bratu More than 900 Roman Catholic nuns gathering in St. Louis, Mo., this week to discuss the future…
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August 1st, 2012
Erin Saiz Hanna was featured in this statement about the Sister City vigils held by the Nun Justice Project of which WOC was a participant and supporter. More than 30 vigils planned nationwide in support of LCWR By Alice Popovici Vigils in support of Catholic sisters are planned in more than 30 cities as the…
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July 4th, 2012
WOC was mentioned in this Guardian article about organizations taking a stand within the Catholic faith to bring about change in the Roman Catholic Church. Vatican orthodoxy does not represent all American Catholics By Claire Sahlin "Quit the church … Put women’s rights over bishops’ wrongs," proclaim the large billboards recently erected in Times Square,…
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June 14th, 2012
WOC vigil participants were seen in the first chapter of this PBS video talking about the LCWR and the Vatican’s mandate. To watch the video, click here .
June 12th, 2012
Erin Saiz Hanna was featured in this article for her and WOC’s involvement in The Nun Justice Project and its efforts in supporting the sisters. Protesters for Nuns Ask U.S. Bishops to Help Them Out By Jennifer Preston Protesting the Vatican’s criticism of the United States’ largest organization of Roman Catholic nuns, a group of…
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June 11th, 2012
Erin Saiz Hanna wrote this article for The New York Times, The Opinion Pages about the Vatican’s mandate on the LCWR. Fear Tactics Will Not Work By Erin Saiz Hanna Catholics across the country are stunned and outraged by the Vatican’s attempt to threaten the women who have been the backbone of this church for…
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May 22nd, 2012
WOC and Erin Saiz Hanna were featured in this article about the vigils throughout the US in support of the LCWR after the Vatican’s mandate was released, noting WOC’s participation at the protest vigil outside of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ headquarters. Nationwide vigils aim to demonstrate solidarity with sisters By Alice Popovici From…
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May 9th, 2012
WOC and WOC’s board member Christine Haider-Winnett were featured in this article about the vigils held throughout the country in support of the sisters in response to the recent Vatican mandate. Master of Divinity student organizes vigil to support sisters By Monica Clark OAKLAND, Calif. — "I love women religious," said Christine Haider-Winnett, a 29-year-old…
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April 24th, 2012
WOC was mentioned in this article for its association with LCWR, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. We Are All Nuns By Mary E. Hunt When it comes to the Vatican’s crackdown on women religious, I believe it’s time to declare that for the purpose of this struggle:we are all nuns. The mandate by the…
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April 4th, 2012
WOC’s member Regina Banon was featured in this article and video about the annual protest in support of women’s ordination held in Philadelphia. Annual protest in favor of women priests hits Philadelphia By Tom MacDonald Women who want to be Catholic priests held their annual protest outside Holy Thursday services in Philadelphia. The protesters came…
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