March 29th, 2011
WOC was featured in this article about Father Roy Bourgeois’, the priest who openly and publicly supports women’s ordination. Bourgeois’ dismissal came after two years of dialogue, says Maryknoll By Joshua J McElwee The decision to threaten Fr. Roy Bourgeois with dismissal from Maryknoll, and subsequent laicization by the Vatican, came about after two and…
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March 29th, 2011
WOC’s petition urging Maryknoll to support Fr. Bourgeois was mentioned in this NCR article. Roy Bourgeois’ priesthood can never truly end By Jamie L Manson He won a purple heart for his service in Vietnam. He lived and worked among the poor in Bolivia for five years. When his friends, Maryknoll sisters Maura Clarke and…
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February 14th, 2011
WOC was featured for its activism at the Vatican in this article about the film Pink Smoke Over the Vatican. Women priests demonstrate profound faithfulness to God By Jamie L Manson Late last week, a new iPhone app designed to help Catholics prepare for the confessional made its debut. The app tailors its…
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December 8th, 2010
Erin Saiz Hanna was featured in the Times Special "The Top 10 of Everything of 2010" highlighting women priests. 6. Women Priests, In Spite of the Vatican By Howard Chua-Eoan In July, the Vatican branded the ordination of women as priests a delictum gravius, or grave crime, the same label it has given pedophilia. That may…
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October 2nd, 2010
WOC was featured in a Times Magazine article about Catholic womenpriests. Defying the Vatican, Catholic Women Claim Priesthood by Tim Padgett Like any good priest, Judy Lee knows how to use a Bible story. One of the readings for Roman Catholic Masses on a recent Sunday, from the Book of Wisdom, recounts how the Hebrews…
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September 24th, 2010
Women’s Ordination Worldwide was mentioned in this Time article about woman priest Alta Jacko and the women’s ordination movement. The Push to Ordain Female Priests Gains Ground By Dawn Reiss Alta Jacko is the mother of eight children. She is also an ordained priest in the Roman Catholic Church. Jacko, 81, who earned her master’s…
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September 17th, 2010
Click here to watch CNN’s coverage of WOC’s 35th anniversary.
August 25th, 2010
Jamie L Manson, WOC board member writes an article about the dilemma of both loving one’s local Roman Cahtolic parish/church while disagreeing with the stances the Roman Catholic Church has taken. Relationships create church, not loyalty to the institution Written by Jamie L Manson They disagree with the Roman Catholic Church’s stances on women, ordination,…
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July 14th, 2010
Erin Saiz Hanna is featured in this article on the Vatican’s July 15, 2010 statement calling the ordination of a woman a "grave crime." Vatican: Ordination of Women ‘A Grave Crime’By Nicole Winfield July 15, 2010 VATICAN CITY — The Vatican revised its in-house rules to deal with clerical sex abuse cases Thursday, targeting priests who…
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July 14th, 2010
Erin Saiz Hanna comments on the Vatican’s labeling the ordination of a woman "a grave crime." By Nancy Frazier O’Brien WASHINGTON (CNS) — The Vatican’s decision to declare the attempted ordination of women a major church crime reflects "the seriousness with which it holds offenses against the sacrament of holy orders" and is not a…
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