October 15th, 2008
Aisha Taylor quoted in National Catholic Reporter during 2008 World Synod of Bishops: Synod: Bishops hear the voices of women
October 15th, 2008
Aisha Taylor quoted in Catholic News Service during 2008 World Synod of Bishops: Supporters of women’s ordination stage small protest near Vatican
October 15th, 2008
Aisha Taylor in Associated Press during 2008 World Synod of Bishops: Catholic women march in Rome for female priesthood
April 20th, 2008
Aisha Taylor, WOC executive director, and other church reform leaders, quoted in Inter Press Service News Agency article "Pope’s Visit Highlights Faultlines in the Church" by Arlene Chang Read here
April 18th, 2008
Taylor featured in Washington Post video "Benedict in America" posted on WashingtonPost.com. Watch now! Gerry Rauch, WOC Board President, mentioned in Belleville News Democrat article "Parishioner pays $10,000 for ad in USA Today asking pope to remove Braxton" Read here
April 17th, 2008
Aisha S. Taylor, WOC Executive Director; Andrea Johnson, former WOC executive director; and Elsie McGrath and Rose Marie Hudson, Roman Catholic Womanpriests who were recently excommunicated in St. Louis, featured on National Public Radio show Interfaith Voices with Sr. Maureen Fiedler. Listen here
April 14th, 2008
Washington, DC Fox Television News channel 5 featured WOC’s inclusive Eucharistic liturgy on the 10o’clock news. View clip here
April 13th, 2008
Associated Press, Papal Visit Provokes Array of Protests by David Crary, run in 129 news outlets around the country, including the International Herald Tribune, National Public Radio, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe and San Francisco Chronicle ABC 7 News in Chicago "Organization pushes for female priests" Chicagoland TV news clip: Women’s Group Demonstrates…
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April 4th, 2008
National Catholic Reporter article on events of WOC and many church reform groups
April 19th, 2005
CNN International featured an interview with Joy Barnes, WOC's Executive Director. Boston's WRKO John Depetro radio talk show featured Barnes and Nicole Sotelo, WOC member and local leader, in a discussion in progressive Catholic issues. Boston Herald, "Selection worries gays, other activists" by Kimberly Atkins. Click to read article. CNS News, "Feminist, Homosexual Groups Turn…
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