April 19th, 2005
Chicago Tribune, "Women send ordination message" by Margaret Ramirez. NBC5 Chicago, "Protest targets church sexism: Nuns, Catholic women release pink smoke to mimic Vatican conclave" To read article. Chicago Sun-Times, "Women seek louder voice in church" by Maureen O'Donnell. Click to read article. Cleveland Plain Dealer, "Reform-minded Catholic women meet, pray for ordination" by Frank…
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April 18th, 2005
Many local news stations covered WOC's Pink Smoke events in DC, Chicago, Lexington, Cleveland, Denver and San Francisco and mentioned on Ron Reagan's MSNBC show. Every major news station was present at the Chicago event. CNN's Paula Zahn NOW featured Laura Singer of Chicago WOC and the "Open the Conclave with Pink Smoke" event at…
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April 17th, 2005
USA Today, "Women need not apply" by Mary Zeiss Stange. Click to read article. Newsday, "Groups offer wish list for new leader" by Silvia Adcock. Rueters featured an interview with Barnes at 7:45 pm.
April 15th, 2005
Taylor interviewed on BBC Radio World Service, program: The World Today (10 minutes into the program) Jamie Manson, WOC board member, interviewed on New York City WPIX channel 11 10:00 PM news Victoria Rue, WOC board member, interviewed on "Forum" talk show, KQED public radio in San Francisco, with the president of the Graduate Theological…
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April 13th, 2005
Womens ENews, "Tune in to last gasps of patriarchy in Rome" by AnneEggebroten http://www.womensenews.org/article.cfm/dyn/aid/2255/context/archive
April 9th, 2005
Sarasota Herald Tribune, "Women's Equality Ignored" A Letter to the Editor by Bridget Mary Meehan.
April 6th, 2005
Interpress Service, World "Pope John Paul II: Paying Respects, but also hoping for a miracle" by Katherine Stapp. NBC WRC News in the greater Washington area featured WOC's national office and Barnes in a story on women priests in the 4:00 news hour.
April 5th, 2005
The Morning Call, "Many expectations face next pope" by Dan Sheehan and Kathleen Parrish. London Sky News featured Taylor in a live broadcast at 7:30am EDT.
April 3rd, 2005
The Kansas City Star, AP "Interest groups to press for change" by Richard N. Ostling. Boston's WRKO John Depetro radio talk show featured Barnes in a discussion on women's ordination.