In the News

April 2nd, 2005

April 3, 2005

The Philadelphia Inquirer, "Pope opened the door for women – to a point" by Kay Raftery. MSNBC featured a live interview with Barnes. Canada Broadcasting Company (CBC) featured a live interview with Barnes.  

April 2nd, 2005

April 2, 2005

The Boston Herald, "A Study in Contrasts" by Marie Szaniszlo.

April 15th, 2004

April 15, 2008

Taylor interviewed on BBC Radio World Service, program: The World Today (10 minutes into the program) Jamie Manson, WOC board member, interviewed on New York City WPIX channel 11 10:00 PM news Victoria Rue, WOC board member, interviewed on "Forum" talk show, KQED public radio in San Francisco, with the president of the Graduate Theological…
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