April 21st, 2015
Organizational Contact(s): Sheila Peiffer (American Catholic Council): 518.334.6076 sheilapeiffer.acc@gmail.com Deborah Rose-Milavec (FutureChurch): 513.673.1401, debrose@futurechurch.org For Immediate Release: April 21, 2015 Catholics from 18 dioceses across 15 states gathered in February and March to engage in 51 listening sessions in preparation for the Synod on the Family being held in Rome October 5 – 24,…
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April 20th, 2015
Limerick, 16.04.2015. “With the resignation of Pope Benedict we are at the end of an era, and this is our best chance to renew the church for a long time“, Father Tony Flannery of the Irish Association of Catholic Priests (ACP) said during an international conference in Limerick that brought together over 30 Catholic priests…
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March 7th, 2015
For Immediate Release Women of faith will mark International Women’s Day on Sunday March 8, 2015 by joining together in a global, interfaith fast and social media campaign (#EqualinFaith) for gender justice and the equality of women in their faith communities. The day-long fast and social media campaign will culminate in interfaith prayer services and…
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February 2nd, 2015
For Immediate Release February 2, 2015 Pat Brown, (UK) +44 (0) 113 268 2887 Miriam Duignan (USA) +1 510 984 8678 Marilyn Hatton (Australia) +61 2 6262 5275 Kate McElwee, (Italy) +39 393 6922100 Sexism is the Original Sin: WOW Statement on The Pontifical Council for Culture’s Plenary Assembly About Women’s Cultures The Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Culture’s Plenary Assembly…
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January 28th, 2015
Contact: Erin Saiz Hanna, 401-588-0457 or ehanna@womensordination.org Kate McElwee, 607-724-1364 or kmcelwee@womensordination.org Girls will no longer be allowed to serve as altar servers during Mass at Star of the Sea Church in the Archdiocese of San Francisco. Reportedly, Rev. Joseph Illo will phase out altar girls because he believes there is an “intrinsic connection” between…
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January 21st, 2015
21 January 2015 Contact Details Below Catholics call on the bishops of the world to “widen the circle” at 2015 Family Synod Sixteen Catholic organizations have issued an open letter calling on the bishops of the world and Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, secretary general of the Synod of Bishops, to widen the circle of auditors and…
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December 16th, 2014
Release date: Tuesday, December 16th For Immediate Release Organizational media contacts: See list below For general background: Kate McElwee:(Rome) +39 06 320 3331 kmcelwee@womensordination.org Jim Fitzgerald (USA) 773 404 0004 x262 jim@cta-usa.org Catholic Groups Applaud Vatican Report as “First Step” in Reconciling with U.S. Sisters; Demand immediate removal of sanctions against LCWR leadership Statement from…
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November 20th, 2014
Dear Cardinal Sean O’Malley: In what has already become an infamous “60 Minutes” interview, you stated to Norah O’Donnell: “If I were founding a church, I’d love to have women priests. But Christ founded it, and what he has given us is something different.” As women born well after Vatican II, we are constantly asked: “Why…
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October 23rd, 2014
For Immediate Release: October 23, 2014 Contacts: Erin Saiz Hanna, 401-588-0457 Marianne Duddy-Burke, 617-669-7810 Gathered in Chicago for its annual meeting, October 17-19, 2014, the members of Women-Church Convergence, a coalition of feminist Catholic groups, issued the following statement as the Extraordinary Synod on the Family was drawing to a close in Rome. Women-Church Convergence celebrates the diversity…
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October 16th, 2014
Silenced Irish Priest Brings Focus on Conscience to U. S. Tour Contacts: Marianne Duddy-Burke, 617-669-7810 Erin Saiz Hanna, 401-588-0457 Father Tony Flannery, an Irish priest censured by the Vatican and ordered to cease priestly ministry, due to his support for the ordination of women, and his questioning official teaching on homosexuality, contraception and the validity…
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