March 26th, 2007
PARA DIFUSION INMEDIATA: 27 de marzo de 2007 CONTACTO: Nidza Vázquez, 1 703 352-1006, Católicos en Latinoamérica Oran Unidos por Mujeres Sacerdotes en el Día Mundial de Oración Washington, D.C. – El 25 de marzo, un gran número de católicos latinoamericanos oraron por las mujeres sacerdotes y por la renovación de la Iglesia…
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March 26th, 2007
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 27, 2007 CONTACT: Aisha Taylor, 703 352-1006, En Español Catholics in Latin America Join Call for Women Priests on World Day of Prayer for Women’s Ordination Washington, D.C. – On March 25, an unprecedented number of Latin American Catholics called for women to be priests and for renewal of the…
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March 24th, 2007
March 14, 2007 His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI 00120 Via del Pellegrino VATICAN CITY Your Holiness, Every year on 25 March, the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Catholics around the world organize events to bring attention to the fact that Catholic women are excluded from ordination. This year will be the…
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March 19th, 2007
March 14, 2007 Open Letter from 24 Catholic Organizations Calling for Women Priests and Church Renewal on World Day of Prayer. En Español December 13, 2006 WOC Letter to Pope in Response to World Day of Peace Message about Women
March 13th, 2007
14 de marzo de 2007 Su Santidad Papa Benedicto XVI, 00120 Vía del Pellegrino, Palacio Apostólico, CIUDAD VATICANO Su Santidad, Todos los años el 25 de marzo, festividad de la Anunciación de la Virgen María, los católicos alrededor del mundo organizan eventos para llamar la atención hacia el hecho de que las mujeres católicas son…
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March 13th, 2007
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 14, 2007 CONTACT: Aisha Taylor, 703 352-1006, 24 Catholic Organizations Call for Women Priests and Church Renewal on World Day of Prayer Washington, D.C. – Today, twenty-four Catholic organizations sent a letter to Pope Benedict XVI calling for women to be priests and for renewal of the Roman Catholic…
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February 22nd, 2007
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 23, 2007 CONTACT: Aisha Taylor, 703 352-1006, Catholics Call for Women Priests and Church Renewal on Annual World Day of Prayer Washington, D.C. – On Sunday, March 25, 2007, Women’s Ordination Conference (WOC), the world’s oldest and largest national organization working solely for women’s ordination in an inclusive Roman Catholic…
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December 12th, 2006
December 13, 2006 His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI 00120 Via del Pellegrino VATICAN CITY Dear Pope Benedict XVI, The Women’s Ordination Conference (WOC) applauds the statements within your message, “The Human Person, The Heart of Peace” for the World Day of Peace, in which you connect peace with respect for women. We urge you…
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December 10th, 2006
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 11, 2006 CONTACTS: Nidza Vázquez: 703 352-1006 Women’s Ordination Conference Supports Call to Action/Nebraska in Appeal to Retract Threat of Excommunication Washington, D.C . — Last week, Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz of Lincoln, Nebraska, released a letter from Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, the Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, stating his support for…
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October 19th, 2006
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 20, 2006 CONTACTS: Nidza Vázquez: office: 703 352-1006 Women’s Ordination Conference supports penalized Roman Catholic woman priest Washington, D.C. – This week’s Pittsburgh Catholic features the announcement that Joan Houk, who was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in Pittsburgh on July 31, has automatically incurred the penalty of interdict. This…
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