Press Releases

October 11th, 2006

Roman Catholic women priests celebrate Community Mass

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 12, 2006 CONTACTS: Los Angeles, Calif.: Jane Via, office: (619) 615-6936, cell: (619) 987-9268, VIctoria Rue, home: (831) 768-8468 National WOC: Aisha Taylor, office: 703 352-1006 Roman Catholic women priests celebrate Community Mass Los Angeles, Calif., – Dr. Jane Via and Monika Wyss, Roman Catholic women priests ordained on Lake Constance,…
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August 8th, 2006

Roman Catholic bishops threaten ordained women with excommunication

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 9, 2006 CONTACTS: Nidza Vázquez: office: 703 352-1006, cell: 202 422-2235, Bridget Mary Meehan: home: 703 671-1972, cell: 703 283-2929 Roman Catholic bishops threaten ordained women with excommunication Washington, D.C. – Three Roman Catholic women, Kathy Sullivan Vandenberg of Milwaukee, Eileen McCafferty DiFranco of Philadelphia, and Bridget Mary Meehan of…
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July 30th, 2006

Women’s Ordination Conference supports ordinations of Roman Catholic women

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 31, 2006 CONTACT: Nidza Vazquez, cell: (202) 422-2235, work: 703 352-1006, Women’s Ordination Conference supports ordinations of Roman Catholic women  Washington, D.C. – Today, eight U.S. women were ordained as priests, and four as deacons, in the Roman Catholic Church in Pittsburgh, Pa. on the Three Rivers: the Allegheny, the…
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July 15th, 2006

Jean Marie Marchant Letter

The following letter is from Jean Marie Marchant to Cardinal Sean O’Malley detailing her decision to seek ordination to the priesthood and, as a consequence, to resign from her position as Director of Health Care Ministry for the Archdiocese.     July 17, 2006 His Eminence, Seán Cardinal O’Malley, OFM Cap. Chancery 2121 Commonwealth Avenue…
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June 13th, 2006

Catholic activists demonstrate for women priests at bishops meeting

MEDIA ADVISORY FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 14, 2006 CONTACT: Los Angeles: Janice Sevre-Duszynska, cell: 859 684-4247, National: Nidza Vazquez, office: 703 352-1006, cell (202) 422-2235 Catholic Activists Demonstrate for Women Priests at Bishops Meeting Los Angeles, CA — From June 15-17, Women’s Ordination Conference (WOC) will host a prayerful protest to advocate for women priests…
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May 14th, 2006

The Da Vinci Code raises questions about women’s role in the Catholic Church

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 15, 2006 CONTACT: Nidza Vazquez, work: 703 352-1006, The Da Vinci Code raises questions about women’s role in the Catholic Church Washington, D.C. – This week, the movie version of Dan Brown’s best-selling book, The Da Vinci Code, will be released in theaters worldwide, and Women’s Ordination Conference (WOC), a…
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March 22nd, 2006

Women’s Ordination Conference applauds decision to allow female altar servers

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 23, 2006 CONTACT: Aisha Taylor, work: 703 352-1006, Women’s Ordination Conference Applauds Decision to Allow Female Altar Servers and Continues Call for Women’s Ordination Washington, D.C. – Women’s Ordination Conference (WOC) is pleased with Bishop Paul S. Loverde’s announcement on Tuesday, March 21st, to allow female altar servers in the…
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March 20th, 2006

Women’s Ordination Conference Sponsors Speaking Tour of Roman Catholic Woman Bishop Patricia Fresen

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 21, 2006 NATIONAL CONTACT: Aisha Taylor, cell: (202) 422-2235, work: 703 352-1006, Women’s Ordination Conference Sponsors Speaking Tour of Roman Catholic Woman Bishop Patricia Fresen Washington, D.C. – On Saturday, March 25th, Women’s Ordination Conference (WOC), the world’s oldest and largest Catholic organization working solely for women to be deacons,…
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March 19th, 2006

Local Events

Midwest | Central Atlantic | Southeast | Northeast | West Coast | International MIDWEST CINCINNATI Contact: Ruth Steinert Foote, or 513 771-0629 or l 513 604-0170 When: Saturday, March 25th, 7:00 p.m. Where: Ruth Steinert Foote’s home: 985 Forest Avenue, Glendale What: Gourmet Complete Dinner featuring Bishop Patricia Fresen Cost: Sliding Scale donation, $30…
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March 19th, 2006

Attend an Event in Your Community

Attend an event in your community! Midwest Central Atlantic Southeast Northeast West Coast International MIDWEST CHICAGO, IL: Contact: Laura Singer, or 773 736-2562 What: A liturgy and a public prayer service When: Sunday, March 25, 9:15 a.m. liturgy and 11:45 a.m. public prayer service, Where: The liturgy will be at the Inclusive Catholic Community,…
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