Ministry of Irritation

Our Ministry of Irritation

The Ministry of Irritation is the area that most people already associate with WOC – it is our ministry of creative witness and prayerful protest. The persistent witness for women’s ordination involves knocking on closed doors, being that grain of sand in the oyster working toward a pearl within. We lovingly call this the ministry of irritation: the creative and beautiful and compelling witnesses at strategic moments to raise up injustice and sexism in the Church. Because often there is no other way, and for many, we are tired of empty words, and endless talking, and we have to take decisive action.

Make no mistake, we believe that constructive dialogue has a crucial place in our work. But when our attempts are met with silence, stonewalling, or dismissal, we use alternate, creative routes to get our message across.

Explore our Activist Toolkit for Today

Our toolkit is meant to empower you to bear witness for women’s
ordination and equality in your home, in your community, and beyond. It includes WOC resources, action days, steps you can take to successfully demonstrate for equality, and a social media activism guide.