Nominations for WOC Board of Directors

The 2025 nominations process is now open!

Membership on the WOC Board requires that each director understand and accept the role of custodian of the collective mission, vision, and resources of the organization including representation of the membership at large. Thus, directors should understand that service on the board involves accepting the responsibility of representing and safeguarding all that WOC represents.

Nominees should be passionate about ordination justice advocacy and speaking out against all forms of oppression in the Roman Catholic Church and society. We welcome people of all abilities, socio-economic backgrounds, and migration statuses. People of color, young adults, LGBTQIA people, and people in underrepresented communities are strongly encouraged to apply.

We are seeking nominees with a diverse range of skills, and particularly those who may have experience with: mujerista and womanist theologies; development/fundraising; community organizing; non-profit leadership; conference planning; or a legal background. However, most importantly, nominees should bring a passion for the ordination of people of all genders to a renewed priesthood.

WOC Board members work together to set direction, provide oversight for the organization, ensure resources and commit to support WOC financially. We meet three times a year (usually twice in person and once virtually). In between meetings, members collaborate on committees and projects on a regular basis. Members serve for a three year term. Before submitting an application, please familiarize yourself with the WOC website and look closely at the responsibilities of board membership.

If you would like to be considered for nomination to the Board or would like to nominate someone, please complete an online application below. Nomination applications are due Monday, April 7, 2025 with personal interviews conducted in May. The new Board member term begins in the fall of 2025.

We encourage all our members and friends to give this opportunity to serve prayerful consideration! Help WOC continue to act in courageous and prophetic ways to create a discipleship of equals in the Board itself, in the organization at large and in the patriarchal Roman Catholic Church.

Please contact with any questions.