Liturgy for the Feast of Mary of Magdala


Refrain:   Come to the feast of heaven and earth!  Come to the table of plenty!  God will provide for all that we need, here at the table of plenty.
1st Verse:  O Come and sit at my table, where saints and sinners are friends.  I wait to welcome the lost and lonely to share the cup of my love.
2nd Verse:  O Come and eat without money; come to drink without price.  My feast
                       of gladness will feed your spirit with faith and fullness of life.
3rd Verse:  My bread will ever sustain you, through days of sorrow and woe.  My
                      wine will flow like a sea of gladness to flood the depth of your soul.
                                              Copyright © 1992  OCPPublications, Inc. All rights reserved

Presider:  In the name of God, our mother and father, and of Jesus our savior and healer, and of the Holy Spirit, our wisdom and guide.
ALL:  Amen.
Presider:  May God, the Blessed Holy Three, be with us, as we work together for partnership, justice and equality for women in church and society!
ALL:  And also with you.

Presider:  O God, may we see your feminine face in our female ancestors and in all women.
ALL:  May we open our hearts, like Mary of Magdala to the Risen Christ.
Presider:  Jesus the Christ, may we see the divine reality in the person of a woman especially in women who are called to serve you.
ALL:  May we, like Mary of Magdala, proclaim the Good News with courage.
Presider:  May the God of love, forgive us our lack of trust in your Spirit Sophia moving with us, in us, and through us, leading us to guidance, courage, healing and empowerment.
ALL: Amen.

LITURGY OF THE WORD First Reading:  Romans 16:1-7, 16
Litany of Women for the Church
Reader:  Dear God, creator of women in your own image, born of a woman in the midst of a world half women, carried by women to mission fields around the globe, made known by women to all the children of the earth, give to the women of our time the strength to persevere, the courage to speak out, the faith to believe in you beyond all systems and institutions so that your face on earth may be seen in all its beauty, so that men and women become whole, so that the church may be converted to your will in everything and in all ways.

We call on the holy women who went before us and who stand beside us, channels of Your Word in testaments old and new, to intercede for us so that we might be given the grace to become what they are and have been for the honor and glory of God.
Sing: Come, O Jesus, send us your spirit, renew the face of our Church (2X)
•       Saint Esther, who pleaded against power for the liberation of the people, pray for us.
•       Saint Judith, who routed the plans of men and saved the community, pray for us.
•       Saint Deborah, laywoman and judge, who led the people of God, pray for us.
•       Saint Elizabeth of Judea, who recognized the value of another woman, pray for us.
•       Saint Mary Magdalene, minister of Jesus, first evangelist of the Christ, pray for us.
Sing: Come, O Jesus, send us your spirit, renew the face of our Church (2X)
•       Saint Scholastica, who taught her brother Benedict to honor the spirit above the system, pray for us.
•       Saint Hildegard, who suffered interdict for the doing of right, pray for us.
•       Saint Joan of Arc, who put no law above the law of God, pray for us.
•       Saint Clare of Assisi, who confronted the pope with the image of woman as equal, pray for us.
•       Saint Julian of Norwich, who proclaimed for all of us the motherhood of God, pray for us.
Sing: Come, O Jesus, send us your spirit, renew the face of our church (2X)
•       Saint Therese of Lisieux, who knew the call to priesthood in herself, pray for us.
•       Saint Catherine of Siena, to whom the pope listened, pray for us.
•       Saint Teresa of Avila, who brought women’s gifts to the reform of the church, pray for us.
•       Saint Edith Stein, who brought fearlessness to faith, pray for us.
•       Saint Elizabeth Seton, who broke down boundaries between lay women and religious by wedding motherhood and religious life, pray for us.
Sing: Come, O Jesus, send us your spirit, renew the face of our Church (2X)
•       Saint Dorothy Day, who led the church to a new sense of justice, pray for us.
•       Sr. Joan Chittister, who is passionate for change and challenges us to take the leap, pray for us.
•       Sr. Simone Campbell, who brings commitment and humor to the serious business of social justice, pray for us.
•       Bishop Bridget Mary Meehan, who leads Catholic women everywhere to honor their call to Ordination, pray for us.
•       Mary, Mother of Jesus, who turned the Spirit of God into the body and blood of Christ, pray for us. Amen.
Sing: Come, O Jesus, send us your spirit, renew the face of our Church (2X)
Joan Chittister, OSB, Benedictine Sisters of Erie, Pennsylvania; amendments by G. Mog

Gospel Acclamation:  ALLELUIA!    (sung)

Reader:  A reading from the Gospel according to John 20:1-2, 11-18
ALL:  Glory to you O God.
Reader:  The good news of Jesus, the Christ!
ALL:  Glory and praise to you, Jesus the Christ!

In response to the homily today, we invite you to take a few minutes to pray, reflect and then share with one another.  You might consider the following question:
How can we, like St. Mary of Magdala, promote the Good News of Gospel justice, equality and partnership rising up in our church and throughout the world.

PROFESSION OF FAITH ALL:  We believe in God who is creator and nurturer of all. We believe in Jesus, the Christ, who is our love, our hope, and our light. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the breath of Wisdom Sophia, who energizes and guides us to build caring communities and to challenge oppression, exploitation and injustices.  We believe that God loves us passionately and forgives us everything.  We believe that we are radiant images of God who calls us to live fully, love tenderly, and serve generously.  We believe in the communion of saints our heavenly friends, who support us on life’s journey.  We believe in the partnership and equality of women and men in our church and world.  We believe that all are one in the Heart of God.  We believe that women’s liberation is human liberation.  Here we dwell in loving relationships.  Here we live our prophetic call of Gospel equality.

PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL Lector 1:  Jesus healed St. Mary of Magdala of a very serious illness and then she chose to follow him, supporting his mission with all of her resources.  Thank you O Christ, for all the ways you heal us.  Open our hearts to receive your healing grace and let us, like St. Mary of Magdala, put all we have at your service.  For this we pray.
Response:  Loving God, hear our prayer.
Lector 2:  Mary and the other women and men disciples persevered with Jesus, even when he was persecuted by his own religious leadership and government authorities.  God of Strength, help us stand in Jesus’ truth and healing love especially when we experience persecution for justice’ sake.  For this we pray. Response:    Loving God, hear our prayer.
Lector 1:  Because of her witness and fidelity, St. Mary of Magdala is known as the Apostle to the Apostles.  Help us, O God of Righteousness, to accept your apostolic call “to go and tell our brothers and sisters of Jesus’ power to heal… even wounded structures which exclude.” For this we pray.
Response:   Loving God, hear our prayer.
Lector 2:  Women were faithful disciples of Jesus and significant leaders in the early Christian communities.  Help us Most Inclusive One, to reclaim our baptismal call to leadership.  For this we pray.
Response:  Loving God, hear our prayer.
ALL: Amen

PREPARATION OF THE GIFTS (a free will offering will be taken at this time)
A PLACE AT THE TABLE by Lori True, Katherine True

Presider:  God dwells in you.
ALL:  And also with you.
Presider:  Lift up your hearts and pursue justice.
ALL:  We lift them up to God, Pursuer of Justice.
Presider: Let us give thanks to the Creator of all.
ALL: It is right to give God thanks and praise.

Part One:  O loving God, O blessed Holy Three, who brings to birth the world of our dreams for mutual respect and partnership, we do well always and everywhere to give you praise.  Give us courage to act justly and work collaboratively to change systems that keep people poor and marginalized in our society. We thank you for the women and men who are working for justice and equality in our church and world. Your gift of the Spirit, who raised Jesus from the dead, gives us hope that one day all will be one at the eternal banquet of heaven. With thankful hearts in the company of the angels and saints, we praise you, God of Abundance and Welcome.

ALL: Holy, Holy Holy
Holy, holy, holy, Christ Sophia.
Gentle pow’r, merciful might, your glory fills heaven and earth.
Blessed are you who comes in God’s holy name.
Hosanna, hosanna in the highest.

Part Two:  You are holy indeed, O Mothering God. You are the Heart of Love. You affirm women’s bodies as holy and women’s stories as sacred.  Pour out your Spirit upon all who work for justice and equality.  Pour out your spirit upon this bread and wine so that we may become the body and blood of Jesus, the Christ, in whom we have all become your daughters and sons.
(please all extend hands as we recite the consecration)
Presider:  On the night before he died, Jesus came to table with the women and men he loved.  Jesus took bread and praised you, God of compassion. He blessed and broke the bread, gave it to all his friends and said:
ALL:  “Take, eat, this is my body, given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.
Presider:  After supper, Jesus poured the final cup of wine and blessed you, God the Creator.  Jesus shared the cup with his friends, and said:
ALL:  This is the cup of the covenant of my love poured out for you.  As often as you drink of it, remember me.
Presider:  Let us proclaim the mystery of faith (sung)
ALL:    Christ has died.  Christ is risen.  Christ will come again.

Part Three:  In memory of Jesus, who showed us the path to liberation and empowerment, we offer you, Loving Creator, the bread of life, this saving cup. We give thanks that we live in your Enfolding Presence and serve you with grateful hearts.  May all of us who share in this sacred banquet of Christ be brought together as one in the Holy Spirit and be filled with courage to live Gospel equality in inclusive communities working for justice and peace in our church and world.

Part Four:  God, remember your holy people throughout the world, make us one in love, together with Francis, our pope, our female and male bishops,  and all God’s people. Remember our sisters and brothers, who face oppression, discrimination and joblessness, who have lost homes, partners, and hope.  Remember all those who work for justice. Remember those who have gone to their rest in the hope of rising again, bring them and all the departed into your everlasting arms.

Part Five:  Have mercy on us all; make us one with Mary, Mother of Jesus, our sister and champion of the oppressed, and the apostles through the ages, especially Mary of Magdala, Junia and Andronicus, and all the holy women and men who have done your will throughout the ages.  May their courage inspire us to confront patriarchal systems that discriminate against women.  God, may we be free at last from all bondage and injustice, and give you glory through Jesus the Christ.
ALL:  Through Christ, With Christ and In Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, may our work for justice, peace and equality give You glory and honor, Holy God forever and ever.  Amen.

THE PRAYER OF JESUS ALL:  Our Father and Mother, who art in heaven…
Presider:  Protect us, God, from all evil and dismiss all anxiety from our minds.  May a thousand angels guide our steps to live justice, partnership and equality now as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of God in our time where all can say “thank God we are free at last!”
ALL:  For the kindom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen.


LITANY FOR THE BREAKING OF BREAD Loving God, you call us to speak truth to power.
ALL:  We will do so.
Loving God, you call us to live the gospel of justice and peace.
ALL:  We will do so.
Loving God, you call us to be your presence in the world.
ALL:  We will do so.
Presider:   This is Jesus, who called women and men to be partners and equals, and who liberates, heals and transforms us and our world. All are invited to partake of this sacred banquet of love.
ALL:  Jesus you make us worthy to receive you and become you for others.  We are the Body of Christ.

Communion Song
Peace is flowing like a river, flowing out of you and me.   Flowing out into the desert, setting all the captives free.
God’s love is flowing like a river. . .
God’s healing is flowing like a river. . .
Al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia . . .
Copyright © 1975 Carey Landry & North American Liturgy Resources. All rights reserved.

PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION Our God of love and compassion, just as you called Mary of Magdala, you also call us to go forth and to tell the Good News.  We answer you as people who are often unsure of our desire to be so embraced.  Guide us closer to You and to each other.  Strengthen us in our walks of life and build us into the Reign of God and seal us with the Spirit of your promise.  We ask this through our Holy Sophia.  Amen.

Presider:   Our God is with you.
ALL:  and also with you.
(extend your hands over one another)
ALL:  May the fire of the Holy One’s love warm our hearts.  May we live justice and equality in our church and world.  May the love of Christ fill us and radiate through us forever.

DISMISSAL Presider:   Go in the peace of Christ.  May Mary of Magdala be our model of courage and faithful service.  By her example may we delight in the presence of Jesus and shout with joy:  “I have seen the Rabbi!”
ALL:   Thanks be to God.

CONCLUDING HYMN “We Are Marching”   (South African)
We are marching in the light of God, we are marching in the light of God,      (2x)
We are marching, marching, we are marching, marching,
We are marching in the light of God.
We are dancing…   singing…   praying…
Copyright © 1984, Utryck, Walton Music Corporation, agent
Bridget Mary Meehan
Association of Roman Catholic Woman Priests