My Dream of Vocation…
On “Vocations Sunday,” the Church’s World Day of Prayer for Vocations, we asked: What is your dream of vocation? The prophet Joel and the Acts of the Apostles remind us: God’s Spirit, poured out upon us, allows us to prophesy, to see visions, and to dream dreams (cf Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17).
In his letter for the 2021 World Day of Prayer for Vocations, Pope Francis wrote that God’s dreams for us can lead to “profound and unexpected horizons.” On Vocations Sunday, we prayed and acted to encourage the Pope and the hierarchy to open themselves to what profound and unexpected gifts they would experience if they fully recognized the dignity and the gifts of the entire church.
On Facebook, we gathered for a prayerful litany of our dreams for vocation.
Missed Vocations Sunday but still want to participate? Download our printable sign, fill it in (scroll down for lots of inspiration!), and then share it on social media with the hashtag #OrdainWomen or send it to us to share!
Our Dreams of Vocation
Our community showed us the depth and breadth of their dreams of vocation!
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