WOC’s 48th Anniversary Celebration

Synodality & the fierce urgency of equality
The Women’s Ordination Conference commemorated its 48th anniversary November 17-19 with a virtual gala: “Synodality and the Fierce Urgency of Equality: The Call for Women’s Ordination Now.”
Our online auction is open until “Small Business Saturday” (November 26), please shop small this holiday season and support WOC at the same time!
Our theme refers to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s prophetic phrase, “the fierce urgency of now,” which he spoke of on August 28th, 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial during his famous “I Have a Dream” speech, and continued to use after.
The Synod on Synodality is a kairos moment for the church, one where the imperative to walk together meets God’s urgent call for loving-justice and radical equality. We must walk together as the people of God at the pace of synodality, and we must move urgently to right the wrongs of patriarchy and misogyny. This dynamic tension will be explored throughout the gala through a mix of pre-recorded videos and live panels.
“WOC” down memory lane… opening event!
The grand opening of our gala and online auction! We’ll gather for a panel with Sr. Joan Sobala, Jane Varner Malhotra, Sr. Mary McGlone, and Notre Dame doctoral student Amirah Orozco about their her-stories with WOC. Then we’ll take a “WOC” down memory lane and offer our toasts and benedictions for the future!
Watch the recording
Synodality on the Move: Theological Reflections on the Call to Justice
Discussion with Notre Dame doctoral candidate Flora X. Tang and theologian Dr. Valerie Lewis-Mosley reflecting on the challenges of synodality in the face of injustice. This panel was moderated by WOC board member Clare Kemmerer.
Watch the recordingVoices from the Synod Hall
Synod participants Sr. Filo Hirota, and Sheila Pires shared their experiences at the synodal assembly and what they mean for the future of equality in the church.
Watch the recordingClosing Liturgy: Moving Toward a Horizon of Hope
Watch our inclusive closing liturgy, featuring preaching from Leslye Colvin, music by Jessica Gerhardt, and co-presiders Dianne Willman, RCWP, and Teresa Casillas Fiori.
Watch the recordingFriends and supporters of WOC join us in celebrating our 48th Anniversary
Bernadette Raspante
WOC board president, Bernadette Raspante, welcomes all to our 48th Anniversary gala, with a special note of gratitude to our Apostle to the Apostle sponsor, Catholics for Choice.
Fr. Greg Boyle, SJ
“I applaud you for your struggle for gender equity.”
Amirah Orozco
Notre Dame doctoral candidate Amirah Orozco explores the legacy of mujerista theologian Ada-Maria Isasi-Diaz, and begins with this quote:
“I was born a feminist on Thanksgiving weekend, 1975, when over one thousand Roman Catholic women met to insist on the right of women to be ordained to a renewed priestly ministry in our church. Failing, as the over-whelming majority of humans do, to remember my bodily birth, I am privileged to remember every detail of this birth to the struggle for liberation.”
Shannon K. Evans
“”WOC has been a carrier of my hope when I can’t find the will to carry it myself.”
Ruby Almeida
“Time and time again the inequities and judgments of men whose toxic patriarchal imperatives come down to bear heavily upon us in every aspect of our lives, whether we operate in the private or public sphere, that simply has to change… and you know it will because we’re there, pushing, pushing forwards.”
Anne Soupa
“Our fight is just, our fight for equality is extremely just.”
Dr. Emily Reimer-Barry
“The legitimate discernment of women has been curtailed and obstructed in hospital emergency rooms, homes, and in parish life.”
Fr. Luigi Gioia
“Let me say it clearly: There is no valid theological argument that justifies the refusal of the ordination of women in the Catholic church.”
Lizzie Berne DeGear
“[Toni Morrison] said, ‘I stood at the border. I stood at the edge, claimed it as central, and let the rest of the world come over to where I was.’ So I just want to let you know, WOC, that today I claim WOC as central to my Catholic faith.“
Jamie Manson
“God bless WOC! The work is more urgent than ever. Please continue to support this movement because it will revolutionize countless societies, and it really truly will dismantle patriarchy. Happy 48th anniversary WOC! I am so honored to be on this journey with you, to be a part of you. And you have my heart forever.”
Our Sponsors
We are deeply grateful for the organizations and individuals sponsoring our gala and supporting the work of ordination justice in the Catholic church.
Apostle to the Apostles
Catholics for Choice
St. Hildegard’s Helpers
Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests
Mary’s Pence
St. Joan of Arc’s Sparks
New Ways Ministry
Individual Sponsors
Judith Davis
Anne Latour
Jennifer O’Malley