Women’s Ordination Conference in Rome

WOC is in Rome!

The Women’s Ordination Conference is in Rome throughout the month of October for the Synod on Synodality. Our witness is essential to ensure women’s voices, experiences, stories, and vocations are not erased or silenced in the synodal process. We will work for accountability to the grassroots, and be an uncompromising voice for equitable inclusion of women at every level of the church. 

For additional information or media requests, please contact Executive Director Kate McElwee at kmcelwee@womensordination.org.

Latest News

Read the international coverage of WOC’s actions at the start of the Synod.

Times of London: ‘Women make better managers,’ says Pope as he gives nun top job

Raffaella Petrini has been appointed to run the Vatican city governate, a role that includes responsibility for its health system, police force and museums. Read the full article and quotes[…]

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Hidden Springs, Holy Radiance

In the Spirit of St. Brigid of Kildare, the Women’s Ordination Conference invites our members to join us for a virtual retreat February 7-9, “Hidden Springs, Holy Radiance.” This experience[…]

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Quotidiano Nazionale: La femminista cattolica: “Chiesa ancora sessista. Così favorisce le violenze”

“Il Papa tradisce le donne, poteva cancellare la diseguaglianza di genere nella Chiesa ed invece, decidendo di soprassedere ancora sul ripristino del diaconato femminile, perpetua il sessismo“. Con riflessi gravi anche sulla[…]

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CBC: Interview on “As It Happens”

Executive Director Kate McElwee is interviewed for the CBC radio show “As It Happens,” about the historic appointment of the first woman to head a Vatican dicastery, Sr. Simona Brambilla.[…]

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NY Times: Pope Names Nun to Head a Vatican Department, a First for a Woman

By Elisabetta Povoledo Pope Francis on Monday appointed Sister Simona Brambilla to head the Vatican office that oversees religious orders for both men and women — including more than a quarter of[…]

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NCR: Catholic women urged to ‘strike’ over inequality in the church

What would the Catholic Church do without women? If some activists have their way, we’re about to find out. A new project is urging women to strike by withholding time,[…]

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Our Walk With Women solidarity events

Supporters of women’s ordination from around the world gathered on the weekend of Oct. 6 to call on the church to walk with women as equals in the synodal process and beyond. Events took place in: 

Los Angeles, CA
Denver, CO
Washington, DC
Urbana, IL
Kingston, NY
Rochester, NY
Tulsa, OK 
Philadelphia, PA
Brussels, Belgium
Madrid, Spain

It is no exaggeration to say that this is difficult work.

Your support is both urgent and necessary so that we may continue to build our capacity, make change, and make sure women’s ordination is front and center as the church enters the global stage of the synod.

With your support, we will continue to ensure the synodal tent is enlarged enough to include all voices, and model the spirit-filled church we need in this moment. DONATE NOW